๐: a “half-swipe” feature that allows recipients to screen messages with them being marked as read is exacerbating dating anxiety amongst teens—via Superpunch
rabbithole: global styles of curiosity survey as revealed by Wikipedia app usage—via Clive Thompson’s Linkfest—are you a hunter, dancer or busybody?
we have urinated in our beds—there was no chamber pot: a survey of the graffiti of Ancient Rome that’s very much like a contemporary comments section

quotidiano: Italian news paper prints all-AI edition
derezz: local club hosts a TRON party during a gaming developers’ conference as a history lesson
gulf-stream: a mesmerising overview of the world’s ocean currents and eddies
let your fingers do the walking: the typography of the telephone directory, the Yellow Pages, and its antecedents
patrimonialism: running a state as one’s family business
forbidden unlawful representation of roleplaying in education: legislation in Texas would outlaw students presenting as other than human, check out the acronyms of the bill, including fursonรฆ
one year ago: the science behind sippy-birds (with synchronoptica), another 3D rendering challenge plus assorted links worth revisiting
seven years ago: the allure of old books, The Gods of Japan (1943), more links to enjoy plus artist Grant Wood
eight years ago: the architecture of choice, Trump defunds agencies plus Trump’s foreign policy
nine years ago: more on state fossils plus collected quotations
ten years ago: the new EU central bank headquarters, job redundancy, even more links, animals on trial plus local galleries