Our gratitude to Language Log for giving us a chance to revisit the truly inexhaustible figure of Eadweard Muybridge (see previously), pioneering photographer for his studies of motion, film processing and motion-picture projection, through the vagaries and variations of his name.
Born Edward James Muggeridge in Kingston upon Thames in Surrey, he tried out several modification of his surname with Muggridge and Muygridge before settling, also using the pseudonym of the Sun titan as a trademark for his studio, bestowing it on his only child, Florado Helios Muybridge. Most famously commissioned to settle a gentleman’s bet between two California ranchers, the former governor and railroad magnate Leland Stanford correctly surmising that at a gallop, all four hooves were suspended off the ground at points in their stride, Muybridge was able to provide photographic evidence for the claim. The first pictures yielded only blurred images of the racehorse at speed but later trials were interrupted by Muybridge’s arraignment on murder charges at a court in Calistoga, having killed one fellow photographer, Harry Larkyns, suspecting he was having an affair with his recently wed wife and was the true father of the above Florado. Muybridge calmly shot Larkyns in the heart and surrendered himself to authorities, awaiting sentencing. This did not spoil his relationship with the ex-governor, who funded his defence, and the jury was sympathetic, returning a verdict of not guilty on the grounds of temporary insanity as justifiable homicide. The case itself was of scholarly interest because of relative rarity of the judgment at the time and extensive testimony regarding Muybridge’s mental state. Philip Glass (previously) adapted the trial transcripts as a chamber opera in 1982. After that episode, he returned to England for a visit, and inspecting the monument of his hometown, the coronation stone of seven Saxon kings had been rededicated recently with a plinth bearing their names, Muybridge adopting the spelling of Edward the Martyr’s name for his own. After this long, eponymous and circuitous voyage, his headstone in Kingston bears the misspelling Eadweard Maybridge.