Being obsessed with the philosophical and cosmological question of Fermi’s Paradox and having considered the Great Filter beforehand, we enjoyed revisiting the proposal that no one makes it—that is succeeds as a spacefaring civilisation with a constellation of lesser filters setting up intractable hurdles to the accomplishment, progress sabotaged by biological limitations, superstition, self-destructive tendencies of a society, pollution or a misguided Singularity. In that unlikely loneliness, however, there also lies an equally improbable (though less so than intelligent life evolving no where else in the Universe) of a grand conspiracy of those that have made it exercising and enforcing a sort of Prime Directive to cloak their evidence and activities. While that might seem patriarchal (but who knows what challenges and dangers could await) and demotivating in terms of reaching for the stars, humans—on any others on the cusp—might have never had the ambition to invent and explore with gods in the sky.
one year ago: a Euro Pop playlist (with synchronoptica)
seven years ago: a yลkai primer, assorted links to revisit, transhumance plus an AI suggests April Fools’ pranks
eight years ago: more links to enjoy plus Mr Roger’s Conflict Series
nine years ago: Easter origins, a venerable guesthouse plus a sinister lullaby
ten years ago: night-vision eye-drops plus even more links