debonair: an amazing and comprehensive collection of flight attendant uniforms—via Things Magazine
contrapoints: a documentary contextualising misinformation to point out it is misinformation
shortened itinerary: second lady’s tour of Greenland (now joined by her husband) is limited to inspecting the troops at Pituffik Space Base
seagram’s vo: pallets of American alcohol being returned to the manufacturer
jug band: a fun cover of Beat It!—with a powerful solo bridge by the Bottle Boys
boilerfaker: a new trend in microdosing alcohol—via tmn
duty to report: the 1890 attempt to coerce Canada into joining the US backfired spectacularly
signalgate: The Atlantic editor inadvertently added to a national security counsel group chat publishes transcript in full after Trump administration downplayed the seriousness of the breach
hmnd: an incomplete bestiary of humanoid robots