Initially really taken by the wire-frame geopolitical globe overlay (I can remember playing with such a model in a computer programme ages ago), this 3D quake-watcher—via Pasa Bon!—monitors seismic activity in real time. In full-screen mode, it delivers a cinematic visualisation (with sound) as the transparent Earth rotates with a sidebar of live events, listing location, depth (hypocentre), magnitude, alerts and tsunami risk plus an explorer mode to track hotspots.
Thursday, 20 March 2025
epicentre (12. 321)
reference epoch (12. 320)
Via Waxy, we are directed to a single-purpose website that untethers dates from the common era (which still is predicated on AD and BC) an makes time relative to whatever historical (or prehistorical) marker one wishes to use. In addition to showcased epoch events, there is also a simple script to install for one’s own project. 2025 is 7,5kAC—that is After Cheese.
auswärtiges amt (12. 319)
Following the detention and expulsion of three nationals (two tourists and a green-card holding permanent resident), the Foreign Office has issued a travel advisory for Germans travelling to the United States. While in most cases residents of the EU can enjoy visa-free travel in America for up to ninety-days, the decision on whether a traveller can enter ultimately lies with the host country’s border authorities, the enforcement reciprocated. Tantamount to a warning only in degree, Berlin advises prospective vacationers to prepare for arrest, holding (in the cited cases, for periods exceeding two weeks in austere conditions, far beyond just ruining one’s holiday) and deportation even with documentation and pre-flight vetting through ESTA (their Electronic System for Travel Authorisation visa-waiver programme).
one year ago: an intemperance scale (with synchronoptica)
seven years ago: the Game of Life, an evacuation collection plus a profile of Atlantic City
eight years ago: mandalas from sifted red earth, plans for a paperclip skyscraper plus more on map projections
nine years ago: duelling constitutions plus belated pi day
ten years ago: assorted links to revisit plus collaborative human-robot experiments
Wednesday, 19 March 2025
8x8 (12. 318)
first comes the performance, then comes the repetition, then comes the integration: thirty lonely yet beautiful acts of defiance—even including social media—via Kottke
fubar: Muckrock presents its FOIA Foilies awards for 2025—probably too early—see previously
not shuttered, per se, just considered complete: venerable UbuWeb started back up after closure last year
audible enclaves: researchers have discovered how to beam sounds to a targeted listener—via the New Shelton wet/dry
it’s peanut butter jelly time: froghorn.exe is an homage to what used to be the internet’s biggest draw
programmable mutterer: the allure of magical thinking and how the displaced grace of AI could prove more analogous to markets and institutions steering better than individuals
smoking gun: Trump declassifies a tranche of documents on the JFK assassination, unredacted and “ushering in a new era of maximum transparency
greeks bearing gifts: Senator Schumer votes to let the wooden horse into Troy
georgia claimed her—georgia named her (12. 317)
Recorded on this day by Ben Bernie and the Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra and released the following day, spending five-weeks at number one on the American charts, the jazz standard was inspired by a chance meeting with the composer and longtime state house representative Dr George Thaddeus Brown, pledging while in office to name his daughter in honour of his constituency—the anecdote reflected in the above lyric. Renditions include performances by Bing Crosby, Cab Calloway, Django Reinhardt, a more empowered version by Roberta Flack, the Harlem Globetrotters’ theme from the instrumental rendering by Brother Bones and His Shadows featuring whistling and rhythm spoons and the below opening scene (which lives rent-free in my head) from the 1983 film To Be or Not To Be featuring Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft dancing and singing in Polish.
america the unbeautiful (12. 316)
Guardian contributor Alexander Hurst, reflecting on a recent roadtrip with a friend from Washington, DC to New Orleans—in part retracing the path of Alexis de Tocqueville—presents a thoughtful travelogue that encapsulates the aesthetics of sprawl and alienation that informed the MAGA mindset—those without an internal moral compass—long before it came home to roost with the return of Trump. “Like fish in water, I wonder if Americans are even aware how they swim in it,” Hurst writes of the inuring indignities of suburban living—sold as a dream still despite the nightmare monotony, congestion and estrangement of off-ramp after off-ramp leading to “rectangle islands of stuff, surrounded by parking lots leading to other little islands.”
one year ago: Sagrada Família (with synchronoptica)
seven years ago: the origins of tempura, email for trees, Google’s Art Palette plus Expo '70
eight years ago: FOIA inspired cocktails plus next generation phreaking
nine years ago: Italy’s answer to absinthe plus the Butcher’s Broom
ten years ago: the Fourth Crusade
Tuesday, 18 March 2025
see you next wednesday (12. 315)
Via the New Shelton wet/dry, we learn that a fairly innocuous, throw-away line from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey as the titular closing line spoken by the father of Frank Poole in a video letter to his son became the working-title for the first screenplay of director John Landis. Self-described as terrible and unfilmable but with a few redemptive though underdeveloped ideas (a musical autobiography as if he himself had died aged nineteen), this beginning effort was never produced but Landis made sure to give it a cameo appearance in later films as he established his credentials as an auteur as a running gag, rarely screened and never in its entirety and recast each time. A frame story, it appears in Landis’ 1977 The Kentucky Fried Movie as a 4D experience with each audience member attended by an usher acting out what is occurring on screen, on a billboard in The Blues Brothers as a King Kong knock-off, a porn film presented in a seedy theatre in An American Werewolf in London and as the pictured poster in 1983’s Trading Places. Outside of Landis’ filmography, it is also a line of dialogue in the monster movie Michael Jackson and girlfriend are watching his in Thriller extended music video as well as numerous other easter eggs to watch for in his other works and homages by other creators—which pretty good for an unmade freshman project.
9x9 (12. 314)
👀: a “half-swipe” feature that allows recipients to screen messages with them being marked as read is exacerbating dating anxiety amongst teens—via Superpunch
rabbithole: global styles of curiosity survey as revealed by Wikipedia app usage—via Clive Thompson’s Linkfest—are you a hunter, dancer or busybody?
we have urinated in our beds—there was no chamber pot: a survey of the graffiti of Ancient Rome that’s very much like a contemporary comments section

quotidiano: Italian news paper prints all-AI edition
derezz: local club hosts a TRON party during a gaming developers’ conference as a history lesson
gulf-stream: a mesmerising overview of the world’s ocean currents and eddies
let your fingers do the walking: the typography of the telephone directory, the Yellow Pages, and its antecedents
patrimonialism: running a state as one’s family business
forbidden unlawful representation of roleplaying in education: legislation in Texas would outlaw students presenting as other than human, check out the acronyms of the bill, including fursonæ
one year ago: the science behind sippy-birds (with synchronoptica), another 3D rendering challenge plus assorted links worth revisiting
seven years ago: the allure of old books, The Gods of Japan (1943), more links to enjoy plus artist Grant Wood
eight years ago: the architecture of choice, Trump defunds agencies plus Trump’s foreign policy
nine years ago: more on state fossils plus collected quotations
ten years ago: the new EU central bank headquarters, job redundancy, even more links, animals on trial plus local galleries